Cash Flow Made Simple... Finally!

Here is a small sampling of the benefits you will touch and experience with this brand new, simple approach to understanding and managing your cash flow.

  • Cash Flow Made Simple... and Fast

    Understand your cash flow in 10 minutes or less. You already wear too many hats in your business. Understanding and managing your cash flow has to be simple and fast to take care of each month. Now it is!

  • No CPA Speak!

    I took my CPA hat off when writing and recording this course. I’ve created it in the language every business owner can relate to. No jargon. No stuffy financial rambling or CPA-speak. It's a simple, fun, and easy-to-understand course.

  • Pass the 2-Minute Test!

    You will learn how to explain what happened to your cash last month (or last year) in a 2-minute conversation. That way your business partner, banker (even your spouse) will see that you understand what's going on with your cash flow.

  • Discover the Cash Flow Focus Report

    You will get instant access to download the Cash Flow Focus Report and learn how this simple tool will shine the light on your cash flow. And it could even fit on an index card! That's simple.

Cash Flow Really Can be Simple and Easy-to-Understand

In this online course, I'll show you a better, and simpler, way to take control of your cash flow.

  • Tired of being confused and frustrated about your cash flow?
  • Do you wonder why you are showing a profit... but cash still seems to be tight?
  • Are you struggling to understand what happened to your cash last month (or last year)?
  • Tired of not having an answer for your business partner or your banker when they ask about your profit and cash flow?

Now is the ideal time to change all that.

Imagine being in complete control of your cash flow every single month. It would free up more of your time to to focus on the fun stuff that only you can do like taking care of customers and growing your business. It would relieve stress. It would lift a huge burden from your shoulders.

That's what this cash flow course is all about. 

  • I googled cash flow projections and found your website online and it appealed to me mainly due to the fact that you speak in laymen’s terms in a way that a non-financially trained person can understand. The fact that you said you can understand your cash flow in less than 10 minutes a month was also a big reason I bought the course. And the fact that you acknowledge that most accountants and CPA’s speak in terms that the normal owner cannot understand and that you would be able to put things in understandable terms really got me.
    Thank, Thank You, Thank You!

Here are 3 Great Options to Purchase the Course

You can pick the option that works best depending on your budget and how fast you would like to take control of your cash flow.

100% Money-Back Guarantee


This course comes with a RISK FREE, no-questions asked, money back guarantee. If for any reason, or at any time, you decide this information isn’t right for you, I'll refund 100% of your purchase price.

You love the course, and it delivers on my 10 minute promise, or I refund 100% of your purchase price.


My goal in this course is to show you how to understand your cash flow so you only spend 10 minutes a month on it. And I am sincere in wanting to achieve that objective for you. That's why I provide the 100% money back guarantee. I want to make it easy for you to give the course a try. You either love the course or I refund 100% of your purchase price. No questions asked.

It’s super important to me that you get the results I have promised you. Here's why. If I can achieve the 10 minute goal with everyone that buys this course, not only will I be making a difference in the lives of business owners, but the course will continue to be a huge hit and I will continue to make good money teaching these principles. So my guarantee helps you... and it also helps me. A true win-win. :-)


  • The monthly cash flow focus report was the best feature for me because learning to do it helped me understand my cash flow statements and the biggest drivers of cash flow. Another significant benefit is the definitions of cash flow drivers and descriptions of how a negative or positive sway in cash within those drivers affects cash flow. Being able to see at a quick glance monthly what happened to your cash using the focus report is a huge benefit.

Grab the Course and Get Started?

I provide a 100% money back guarantee. You love the course or I refund 100% of the price. No questions asked. That's my way of standing behind my promise to you. Get the course for $19.00 (or if you would like the coaching services, please choose the option that works best for you in the section above).

Get Started with the $19.00 Course